Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Www.dune Buggy Blueprints.com Did Anyone Own A Dune Buggy Or Ride In One Like This One?

Did anyone own a dune buggy or ride in one like this one? - www.dune buggy blueprints.com

http://www.dune-buggy.com/buggylinks/Fib ...

I wanted so badly in school. I knew a man who had one. Looks like fun.
(I hope the link works.)


oldman said...

Never heard of it himself, but had a lot of fun to them in the hills of Hollywood. He tried to find one for my granddaughter to go when it is their license () in some years, but has become majorly expensive. Ben needs to be satisfied with my Mustang Convertible

mh6556 said...

Yes! My uncle is a mechanic and built a identicle it. They are great fun! Pancakes, depending on the amount of power and the tread of the tire to climb the hill, too, burned, and so on. Build my uncle was red with black on the bottom, and it seemed Crome sweet! It was a ton-o-fun! You should make one!

sinic said...

It is a beauty ....... My father helped me and my brothers, cut an old car buggy ".... Willis' is acute.
We lived in the vicinity of the father and Mustang islands, if we had time for fun, "Nellie Belle" runs through the dunes in the 60's .......... But "they" do not believe that many of those days.

Robert W said...

I never had a jeep or on a single, but in Cozumel, Mexico, a cruise recently and are very popular.

stanlin said...

Ah, yes, years ago, this pleasure .... I have his name does not matter, just walking, memory, very funny.

Sweet Cupcake said...

No, never. But you know, I still, even now, when I am 56 and if I found one for the right price to buy!
This one would be perfect!

speedy said...

One of my friends had one and he turned around and was paralyzed from the neck down.

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